Since : 2008
Tamin Ayandeh Insurance Brokerage Company

Brief History

The company was established by the Social Security Investment Company mainly to make efficient use of insurance companies’ services, expand the quality and quantity of insurance coverages and help reorganize insurance-related operations. The company is also set to foster the profitability of the holding through lowering expenses, managing and distributing risks as well controlling premium rates and offering satisfactory insurance services.

Brief History

Tamin Ayandeh Brokerage was established in 2008, in accordance with the Central Insurance of Iran regulations, the regulatory body of the insurance industry that granted a license to the company in the same year.


As per the company’s article of association the company’s operation includes offering insurance brokerage services and relevant consultancy services in accordance with the Central Insurance of Iran rules and other pertaining regulations.

Tamin Ayandeh services are put into four main categories:

  1. Assets Insurance
    1. Fire and consequent hazards insurance
    2. Auto insurance (third-party motor vehicles insurance, accident insurance, and auto body insurance.
    3. Freight insurance (for importation, exportation and inbound transportation of goods)
    4. Engineering insurance (accidents taking place in workplace)
  2. Liability Insurance
    1. Liability insurance coverages including liabilities of employers, doctors, drivers, CRM among others.
  3. Individuals Insurance
    1. Life insurance,
    2. Complementary group medical insurance
    3. Endowment policies
  4. Special Insurance coverages
    1. Vessel and marine insurance
    2. Aviation insurance


Making use of brokerage services offer various advantages including:

  • Advisory services prior to concluding contracts
    • Needs assessment, in accordance with the company’s operation
    • Aggregation of insurance policies with the help of using portfolios
    • Evaluating the competency of insurance companies, based on periodic assessments, and selecting the most efficient insurer for transferring risks
    • Desiging draft terms and conditions for policies, to be used in auctions by the policyholders, or holding auctions on behalf of the policymaker
    • Holding training courses for policyholders
    • Providing advisory services before and after purchasing insurance policies
  • Managing Policies
    • Selecting the most proper unit for insurance processes
    • Supervising the procedures during the contract period
  • Payout Management
    • Filing payout cases after accidents; selecting and sending loss assessors; following the case until the payouts are settled

Within a few years of its professional operations, Tamin Ayandeh Brokerage has managed to rank as the leading subsidiaries of Shasta in 2015 and 2016, with the help of Social security Organization and Social Security Investment Company.

Tamin Ayandeh Services

Insurance Brokerage has assigned the guarantee of insurance insurance among all brokerages. This brokerage operates in five fields: 1-Fire 2-People 3-Car 4-Liability 5-Engineering.

Protection of the insured
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